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2 months down ………….. 5 months to go, we still have lots to look forward to though !!!!
PLEASE NOTE: All of our Activities & Events are exclusive and FREE OF CHARGE to Cosgrove Park customers and their guests only.
We have 7 Activities for you all to enjoy this month, with Fathers Day sitting right in the middle of the month, we have a day full of brilliant activities that the children can enjoy with their Dads. Lovely to be able to have some special Children/Dad time !
1st June - Fishing Match
Take part in our 3rd match of the 2019 Season.
Advanced booking essential - Call into the Main Office/Reception to book your place. A £5.00 (cash) Entry Fee, payable on booking. Suitable for 16+ years.
Venue: Canada & Rainbow Lakes
Draw: 7:30am - Fishing 8:30am to 1:30pm

1st June - Zip Wire
Fly across the event field with this amazing experience. This activity has a restriction, you have to be a minimum Height of 1.4mtrs to take part. No booking required, first come, first served on the day.
Venue: Events Field
Session 1: 10:00am - 12:30pm & Session 2: 1:30pm - 4:00pm

8th June - Rounders
This is a new Team Building Activity for Cosgrove Park, join in with and see which team takes the Trophy. Suitable for 14 years +
Venue: Events Field
Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Advanced booking is essential - Call the Main Office/Reception (Tel: 01908 563360) to add your name to the team list...…………. you have to be in it to win it !!
15th June - Bumper Carz
Bumper Carz are a child friendly version of the ever popular Dodgems which we all know and love. The body of the car is surrounded with inflatable tubes and an inflatable arena, which makes this activity extremely safe for the youngest of riders.
This activity is Ideally suited for children 4 years and above. No booking required, first come, first served on the day.
Venue: Event Field
Session 1: 10:30am - 12:30pm & Session 2: 1:30pm - 4:00pm
16th June - Archery/Rifle Shooting/Axe Throwing (Fathers Day)
We have three fantastic activities for the children to enjoy with their Dads.
This activity is Ideally suited for children 8 years and above. No booking required, first come, first served on the day.
Venue: Event Field
Session 1: 10:30am - 12:30pm & Session 2: 1:30pm - 4:00pm

22nd June - 'The Vault' Laser Maze Challenge
This is a new activity for Cosgrove for 2019. The mission is to dodge and weave through laser beams without being hit. Sound effects make this experience more realistic.
This activity is suited for children 5 years and above. No booking required, first come, first served on the day.
Venue: Event Field
Session 1: 10:30am - 12:30pm & Session 2: 1:30pm - 4:00pm
29th June - Mini Quads
Let your children enjoy this Quad experience. They could be the next 'Lewis Hamilton' !!!
This activity is Ideally suited for children 6 years and above. 1.2 metres No booking required, first come, first served on the day.
Venue: Event Field
Session 1: 10:30am - 12:30pm & Session 2: 1:30pm - 4:00pm
I hope to see you all during June
Ronny Bartaby-Taylor (Events Manager)